Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BP_2 Google+

The Web 2.0 tool I chose is Google+.  It is a new social tool that is still in the "invitation only" stage.  Google+ is a sharing tool that tries to make sharing online more like sharing in real life.  It basically combines Facebook, Twitter, and Skype.  The main features are circles, hangouts, instant upload, sparks, and huddle.
Circles allow you to organize your friends based on how you know them.  Friends, family, acquaintances, boss, and people you follow, for example.  When you share a status update, you choose which circles you would like to share with, so you don't have to worry about your boss seeing your Friday night party pictures.  Here are my circles:

With hangouts, you can let people know you're online and hanging out and see who comes to hang out with you.  It's similar to Skype, in that it's a video chat, but you can add up to 10 people (for free!).

Another neat feature of Google+ is Instant Upload.  Google+ will automatically upload pictures taken with your Android phone to a private album, where they're stored until you share them.  This allows uploading from your phone quickly and easily with no cords needed.  Here are a few photos that I took last week on my phone that have automatically been uploaded to Google+.  No one else can see these, unless I decide to share them.  Even then, I can share them with only who I want to.

Sparks is a feature that suggests articles you might want to read or videos you might want to watch based on the interests you enter.  I like to run, so I have entered running into my Sparks.  Here are a few articles and videos about running that might be interesting.

The final feature is Huddle.  Huddle makes coordinating with a group of people easy.  Rather than individually texting each one of the group of friends that is going to hang out later, all of those texts can be combined into a group chat.  Everyone can be on the same page quickly and easily.

I think Google+ is a great social networking tool for educators.  I especially like how easy it is to manage contacts.  Teachers being on Facebook was always a big "no-no" in my school district.  Google+ is a great way to manage both personal and professional contacts while reaping all of the benefits and networking opportunities that social media offers.

P.S. I still have a lot of invites, so if you'd like to try Google+, let me know and I'll send you an invite.

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