This week, the 2nd-5th graders at my school are testing, so the schedule is very different. I'm left with a lot more free time in my day than usual. I was supposed to test one-on-one with a student, but he was absent, so I spent this morning watching last night's Wimba.
The week 1 Wimba session is always interesting. By the time we have Wimba, I've usually had a chance to go through the introductory course materials in FSO, so I'm a little familiar with how the course is laid out. I usually have mixed feelings about that first week. It's always nice to get clarification about things, but it's very typical to leave with the exploded head feeling.
I'm left with a few questions. Whoa! Is this for real? Having our leadership project published in a journal is a big deal, but a bit more passive than a conference. It seems like you just submit your stuff, and maybe it gets published. If we submit our project to a conference and it gets accepted, are we actually required to go to the conference and present our project? How do we go about narrowing down and deciding where we want to submit?
My project definitely falls into the "less successful than I was hoping for" category. My initial thoughts are to further develop what we did last month in Dr. Reo's class and look into going the "What would my Phase 3 look like?" route.
Even as we're approaching the end, I think it's important to remember like we discussed in a Wimba way back when is that the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.
Thanks for reviewing the archive. Great questions. How you decide whether to publish or present is all your choice, hopefully based on which mode would best communicate your project. In month 11 we'll create the document (presentation file or word doc, depending on presentation or publish), share our work in week 4 and then actually send in our application in month 12. The conference/publication will most likely be something for beyond month 12, after you've graduated, so it's your choice whether you follow through. These are big projects, but anything can be accomplished one bite at a time (as you mentioned).